Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a send off!

This is very note worthy, When Maryna left the Orphanage her friend Geena a 14 year old boy, walked her to the car and carried her luggage, put her in the car and shook her hand. Then ran along the side of the car until he ran out of road. He then ran throught fields dived head first over brush, jumped fences and finally stood with his arms wide open as to say I have done all I can. It was straight out of romance novel, Maryna was stunned. What a guy, What a send off.


Jeri said...

Can Geena come to the US with a host group? What a sweet and kind (and handsome!) face he has. I hope someone reading your blog feels a connection and that he is available for adoption.

My Christmas present said...

he has Papa and Mama in kochetok also brother, the school they attend is connected to the orphanagee. I would host him in a heartbeat,he definetly won my heart. God used this boy to show Maryna how loved she was in her village.She needed that after all the court stuff.

crystalmcbride said...

Oh my, how sweet!!!