Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We arrived Mon.20th had a great flight but hectic arrival,no facilitator or interpeter. Taxi driver we knew from before but no place to go . Our train didnt leave until 5:45pm it was 11 am when we arrived. Facilitator wanted us to hang around a cafe all day and wait. We were tired and jet lagged, I just want to lay down after 20 hours of travel. We insisted on hotel room where we could buy minutes for phone and computer. We ate and rested very little and off we went to 6 hr train ride. Very nice train, private car but no beds. After another hour car ride we arrived in Kochetok about 1am.

We walked down to the school and surprised our Maryna. She looked so happy to see us. This was what we have been waiting for !! She visited with us all day, I'll be so glad when we can just keep her. Our Court date is Thursday so it wont be long. We played together all day, she is just a doll. She told us she is ready to go. We are all extremely happy!!

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