Saturday, December 13, 2008

We are not in Kansas anymore!!

We have been without internet since Tues 9th since then we were moved from our great apartment in downtown Kiev to a 4th floor no elevator w/lots luggage over a strip club type apartment for just about 6 hours while we wait for our night train that leaves at 10pm, the Train was a newer train with sleeper cab,none of us slept. We were assigned a new facilitator for traveling , she is great, very efficent go getter. We were picked up in our new region and driven around for about a day doing paper work and signing documents. Then finally we reached the school and talked w/the director briefly and all of a sudden in burst our new daughter who threw her arms around Steve and held on. We were all crying and were so EXCITED!! I wasnt at all sure we were even at the school since no one spoke English and it looked very much like a goverment building. We were allowed to visit for couple of hours as different people peeked around corners to see how we were doing. Everyone was very nice and we met our daughters sister who is just a doll ,she has a family of her own that she has lived with for six years.

We were taken to a little house down a long dark road with allot of dogs to stay for a very reasonable price the owner is a littler old Ukrainian sweet heart who cooks up a storm for us. Her house is emaculate, our bed is warm and comfy. The terrain is very rough and gray,coooold!! We walk this long dark road every night to take our daughter back to school,at first it was scarey but now it seems the norm everyone walks in the pitch dark. There is only one street light and it is in front of the house we stay at. The owner is remarkably similiar to my own Babushka (grandma) we just love her. We pray for court date for Monday,that is the miracle we need please pray bye for now Ang & Steve.


Rinak said...

Right on!>>>>>>>.... Love Nancy

Unknown said...

Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rhonda