Monday, November 17, 2008

This all started in October 2007 when we were attending our local Church. Before Worship even started I told my husband God must be up to something today I feel so weepy. I had previously attended some conferences back to back where I was asking God to show me His heart. I had no Idea what I was in for!

Worship began and I just seemed to get more emotional. Almost like a pregnant woman,but at the time I didn't know it was the emotional roller coaster of adoption just taking off. After Worship a young lady spoke briefly about Orphans and although I thought it was incredibly sad I didn't know how I fit in. It just made me weep more (literally I was a mess).

After service My Husband and I helped pass out fliers about these Orphans to the congregation for hosting children during Christmas. Because we were helping, a woman mistakenly thought we were part of this ministry. She ask if I would take her most generous offer up to the booth. She was paying for the passage of two Orphans to come to America for Christmas.

So I took her offer to the booth advised them of her generosity and my mouth said and I'll take one . The Lady at the booth said OK, I said WAIT!!!! I SHOULD ASK MY HUSBAND.
On the way home I tryd to read the brochure to him but could not stop crying. I continued like this for three days. I felt the power of God so strong I knew this was not just going to be a three week Christmas hosting. Indeed God was up to something.

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